Case in point (this just keeps getting better): It's clearly necessary that I point out that the server-hiding program YouHide just doesn't work. You (& you know who you are, of course) probably need to know that.
What is an Anonymous Proxy Server? Anonymous proxy server is a routing communications between your computer and the Internet that can hide or mask your unique address to prevent unauthorized access to your computer over the Internet. An address is your computer's digital ID while you are online. By masking this, it helps prevent other web sites that can gain access and gather personal information about you through your unique address. Any anonymous proxy server can disguise your online ID by using its own address in place of yours in every outgoing request. Therefore, helping protect your privacy while you are online.
Translation: YouHide can (so you thought) be used to hide your identity when you're looking at a blog.
Have I mentioned how much I love StatCounter?
Step 1: Read StatCounter
Step 2: Notice strangely familiar Wells Fargo IP address (the location doesn't matter- it just depends where the servers are- e.g. I work in Greenwich, but my IP address says a small town in New York)
Step 3: Notice suspicious link (from a weird YouHide address)
Step 4: Click on aforementioned suspicious link
Step 5: Suspicious link takes me (gasp!) to the person's blog who likely (I'm just guessing here) made a not-so-friendly comment on my blog, who then came back & looked through all of the comments on that post.
So simple. Amazing!
I'd post a screen shot of her blog, but that just wouldn't be nice.
Isn't modern day technologyamazing?
(And Anonymous Girl [although I know your name]: Go be nice to someone! Shoo!)
Let's repeat the SNL skit from last night:
Really? I mean Really!?
PI....That would be a really fun job...absolutely never a dull moment. Anonymous Girl needs to focus on changing her heart......and she should actually look over her shoulder a bit, because this kind of behavior could eventually jeopardize ones job security.
Awesome. Do I know her? Do I read her blog?
pretty funny,,,, you are hilarious!! Way to call someone out :-)
You are so funny. I am dying to know who it is... you know, the gossip-loving side of me (shame on me).
Hey can you please send me her blog address so i can look her up. :)
Poor sad girl. I'm sure she's feeling awful. Hopefully she will use this as a learning experience. Don't mess with Kathryn!
I have StatCounter too and I love it!
wow you are out for blood.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show her blog.. better yet send me the link and I can write bad thing on her dumb blog..
K reported that she won't post her blog. No need to perpetuate anything right friends?
Ok, I have so much to learn from you regarding statcounter and all those randoms who read your blogs. I love it!! Keep up the good work - I may just hire you one day to be my own PI :)
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