Oct 7, 2008

In review.

Kent Falls State Park.

Mike learning the joys of shutter speed & aperture.
My pretty friend J.
Yummy at chocolate at Belguiqe.

J & B.

Covered bridges (my dad would have loved them).
Cooking. Pioneer Woman's Migas. It was delicious.


Kera said...

I know this is off the subject, but I can't WAIT to come to NY and see it as Christmas time. I tell Patrick almost everyday how excited I am :)

Unknown said...

It looks PERFECT! I'm so glad you found Fall. I LOVE white pumpkins and cider and covered bridges and jonagold apples especially. A nice break I'm sure. And you got such great photos! (The hair looks nice.. with the bangs pinned to the side.)

p.s. I'm really liking the Pioneer Woman lately too. I just wish she printed actual recipes at the bottom of her posts.

Jill said...

that waterfall shot is unbelievable. good one mike.

now i'm hungry again.

Joanna said...

Mmmm... I want to make the Migas! Looks awesome! I love her website... everything looks YUMMY!

Heidi said...

I have been excited to see your pictures from the weekend since I knew you would be enjoying FALL!!

Rae said...

Love the photo with the photo! So cute!