Oct 22, 2008

It's Wednesday.

I wanted to take some photos around the apartment this morning, but a) it was pitch black outside (I can't believe it's only going to get worse), & the lighting would have been yucky & b) my alarm this morning was Joshua Radin's new CD that I love, & I maybe listened to about 5 songs before I actually got out of bed. 5 songs at approximately 4 minutes a piece... oops.
If I had in fact taken photos, you would have seen a few things:
  1. My apartment is spotless. SPOT-LESS. Without any spots. Everything is in its just-right place. When Mike is gone, all I do is clean. Or organize. I suppose I could go to the gym, but I'm so proud of my closets right now & that just seems more important than having Heidi Klum's legs, & this morning I made the time to clean out my pajamas drawer (I sort of have an excessive amount of pajama bottoms) because that is clearly an important thing to do before you go to work in the morning. I know I have a problem, but it's better than staring at the ceiling, watching hours of television or just crumpling in absolute loneliness & despair.
  2. My door is triple-locked. Keep in mind that our door automatically locks when it is closed. I also did 2 deadbolts + the hotel-style chain at the top for good measure. Just in case. I always do this when Mike is gone (& sometimes when he isn't). A scary person is more likely to break in when Mike is away & unable to protect me, right?
  3. My bed is perfectly made, except for a little spot on the left hand side (where I most often sleep). I pulled back the covers last night, just enough to squeeze in, & fell asleep. I woke up in the exact same spot, decorative pillows still perfectly in place on the other side of the better, & the fur throw still at the foot of the bed. I always do this when Mike is gone. I don't move a muscle all night long, & I don't invade his side of the bed either. I hate, hate, hate sleeping alone (brr!). Mike, on the other hand, has probably been spread-eagle across his hotel beds for the last few nights. He keeps saying we need a king-sized bed. I wonder why.
  4. Our fridge is empty. I really mean it. I think we have eggs, cheese, water & apricot marmalade. That's it (with some condiments in the door, of course). The past two nights I've had leftover pumpkin chocolate chip bread (from Sunday) + a cheese tortilla for dinner (we're now out of tortillas). How gross is that?

Mike gets back tonight. I'm happy. I'm also happy that we have few plans for this weekend except to have fun (brunch with friends, a pumpkin festival at the park). The bad news is that it is going to likely be cold & rainy. The good news is that I'm going to wear my cute wellies & stomp through all of the puddles.


Heidi said...

#2 made me laugh because I think the same way- for sure if we have an intruder it will be a night when Ben is gone. Totally logical ;-)

Julia said...

I wish I could clean like you do. I get in that mood maybe once a year. Our house would be spotless if I was in that mood every time I am alone.

You know I am totally the same way when I sleep alone at night. I even check behind the shower curtain and in the closets to make sure no one is hiding. How embarrassing is that to admit!

I normally hate rain, but I am also excited to wear my wellies this weekend!

Jill said...

I could not get out of bed this morning either (what with WORK looming).

Good job on your cleaning, and I love your 'forget the HK legs' comment.

I'm so happy Mike gets back tonight. And as for the pumpkin festival - I'm going to be a fair-weather friend and attend only if its sunny.

Kera said...

my morning was just a tad different :)

Missy said...

I think you would like the mop I just bought. It is a steamer and gets the floors disinfectantly clean.

I'm so with you on the triple lock and the perfectly made bed when husband is out of town.

I've got to try your pumpkin bread.