Oct 30, 2008

Love (birds).

1279 days
110,505,600 seconds
1,841,760 minutes
30,696 hours
Mike & I have been married for three & a half years, as of this morning. I'm going to give him a letter today & tell him just how I feel about that. It's probably not appropriate for public consumption via the www, but sufficeth to say, I love him. So much. He's a good person. He's a good friend. He makes me happy.


Lindsey said...

I think I always happen to check your blog JUST after you've posted (thanks to my blogger blogs you're following tool.) That picture is very cool. Did you do that?

Jill said...

Bon anniversaire de mariage & joyeux anniversaire à vous mon cher ami.

k. said...

Linds, I use that tool too. I like it. :)

So, the picture was already a silhouette (thanks to a sunset behind us), but was in color + had sky/clouds behind us. So- in PhotoBucket, I just used the contrast (to get it "black) & the brightening tools (to get it to "white").

I need Photoshop. And $1,000 to buy it. :)

dad said...

May I be the first in this public forum to wish you the most happy of birthdays! You are loved and cherished by your friends, and your family most of all. I'll save the mushy, mommy stuff for a private note, but suffice it to say, you're the best!!! xoxoxoxoMom

Missy said...

Your birthday?? Happy Day! And half anniversary.

Heidi said...

Cool pic! And after reading these comments... Happy Birthday!! When/how are you celebrating?

Unknown said...

I wish I was great at remembering birthdays. But alas, thanks for the tip, "Mom". I think you're great, Kathryn. A lot to celebrate! I hope you (and Mike) have a perfect day.

Lula. said...

Happy Birthday to you (thanks to the comments above)! i hope you have a wonderful day, and that picture is very cool!

jocelyn said...

I love that we share the same anniversary...I hadn't even thought about it until I read this post, but I guess that means it's my 3 1/2 year anniversary also!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe you didn't let us know it was your birthday!

Have a Happy Day!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Friend! Hope your day has been wonderful. I love this picture you posted!

di said...

happy birthday dearest kathryn. you are most definitely loved and your friendship is cherished by me as well. i'm so glad i met you in this crazy place we call new york city. you are unique and have so many talents! happy anniversary and a half (3.5 right?) to you both! xoxo mwah!

Scott and Elly said...

Happy three and a half years! I don't know how you created that picture, but it's really cool:) What a sweet post!