Oct 3, 2008

She did just fine.

She called him Senator Obiden, used that blasted "six-pack Americans" quote again, & her wink made me shriek just a tiny bit, but otherwise... she did just fine. I was sort of proud. Or maybe just relieved (I was nervous for her all day, given the low expectations thanks to recent horrific interviews).
The bad news is that the debate really didn't do anything for me- for either ticket.


Lindsey said...

I am almost done watching the debate (started at 4am this morning thanks to jet lag and will finish this evening). I liked Biden. I think Palin did better than expected... even fine as you say. But her "folksy" talk is too much for me (as are many other elements).

Jill said...

My sister thinks she sounds like the mom on Bobby's World - great comparison. She did do well though, they both did. I was relieved.

Missy said...

The wink...it's too much for me. But, I guess that doesn't really make me choose whether or not I'd vote for someone based on how well they would lead the country if given the chance.

You're right though, she did do better than anyone expected I think.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It's sad though that our expectations were that she didn't completely make a fool of herself. That standard seems a little skewed for a potential vp.

dad said...

Tina Fey is my write-in candidate.