Oct 20, 2008

Someday I'd like to get a degree in Interior Design. Or maybe I'll follow my friend Jill around & hope for the powers of osmosis to work their magic.

I want to frame three of these. I already have the frames, but I can't decide on my favorite three (I'm terribly indecisive & Mike is out of town).

Can you?


Unknown said...

I would choose the green, light blue and middle brown (cathedral?) doors.

Jennifer said...

light blue, green, and red.

Loved all your photos. It looks like you had a great time! I'm jealous...really.

Missy said...

Light blue, green and red too. Or all three blue if you had an "accent color" of blue in your house. But, I like the light blue, green and red.

caitlin and brinton said...

Hi Kathryn! I love ALL your pictures from England. Very jealous. Definitely light blue and the middle brown, but I can't decide on a third!

chelsea mckell said...

I chose doors #3, 4, and 9.
If you want a degree in interior design, you can consult Trevor Peterson. Thats what he is getting at BYU-I. Interesting, eh? :)

Tara Edwards said...

Bottom Middle (love the archetucture)
Middle right (love the color and the door straps)
and top right because I love red, and it's a nice contrast to the others. Or, you could print them just like you have them, and frame them all together with a thick black frame!

Jill said...

oh no pressure. i think i would go for bottom right, middle left blue, and the black door. do you have the green one further out? not cropped?

Lula. said...

I don't think it matters really (not that I have any expertise in the area) because they are all so cool. Although, you could do all the natural looking woods for a more rustic look, or a more colorful combo for a bathroom or kitchen.

You have a very creative eye. Like I said before, I loved all your London pictures.

Kera said...

oh I like so many. Depending where you want to put them and if you want a certain color to jump out in your room. My favs light blue, red, bottom center, and the center left royal blue door because there is a good contrast with the brick around it.

eyre blog said...

photoshop them together and post them all. easy as pie!