Oct 28, 2008

We're in a recession.

I spent 90 minutes in my happy place last night & tried on just about half of the store. I came away with a picture frame. On sale. $14.
My heart felt just a little bit empty as I left.
But it is a pretty frame, right?


Jill said...

I love that you have an empty heart because you only bought a picture frame. We need to find new hobbies since we can't just shop our woes away.

Kera said...

cute, our apartment is vacant of any decor. it needs a bit of a pick me up :)

Lizzie said...

Love that frame! I'm thinking it would be perfect in our living room. I went to Anthro yesterday night too ... tried on a bunch of great sale items (cute blouses for $19.99!) and walked out with nothing - in fact I returned something! I was pretty proud of myself. Every time I'm tempted to buy something I think how proud JT is of me when I keep to my "recession budget" & it's a little easier to resist :)

Missy said...

So love that frame. I want it.

Tara Edwards said...

It's pretty! And the stock market soared today, so maybe you can go back again and get another frame.