Nov 24, 2008

I forgot to mention.


Jill said...

Ohhh I am laughing SO HARD right now! snorting. I keep thinking of you chopping onions at my house and how terrible that was. You were not taking any chances this time. :)

Jan said...

Oh..You are SO funny!!!!! .....and SO beautiful!!!!!

Jill said...

p.s. i also find it very funny that you own swimming goggles. i don't know why but i do. or are they the onion chopping goggles?

Lindsey said...

you are hilarious! that is something i would do though...

Kera said...

did this work? this needs to be on the market it a possibly more stylish form. Patent away.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I was just going to say- you need the onion googles. They've been on my want list for so long now. (I do the swimming goggles too. I think my eyes are extra onion-sensitive.) And you are.. so pretty.

They sell them here:
(one of my favorite sites!) :)

k. said...

Kelli, my eyes are extra-onion-sensative too! Really, really sensitive. It's not pretty, but those onion goggles ARE. I love them. :) Thanks for the heads up.

(PS- we have a pool in our building. We really planned on being SWIMMERS, so we bought a few pairs of goggles. Thus far, they have been used... to chop onions. Oops.)

Lizzie said...

Brilliant! I despise chopping onions, but love eating them. The goggles are a very creative solution!

caitlin and brinton said...

ahahaahahahaahahahaah!!!! LOVE it!

C & E Hudson said...

very cute

Missy said...

I sort of love that you've used them more for chopping onions than swimming in your pool.

Sine family said...

In my opinion that really is the only way to chop. You look great in googles. I think you should wear them more often, like to church on Sunday. :)

Elizabeth said...

I heard somewhere if you have a candle lit next to where you are chopping that helps..

Melissa said...

Kathryn you crack me up! Love it!!

Tara Edwards said...

Laughing totally out loud! Love it!

suz said...

Now that's funny! What a great idea.

Heidi said...

Hilarious.. and genius, all in one.

emily said...

Does that really work? I find when I hold my breath, I do better...I might have to try this method! So funny.

Jennifer said...

Ha. This made me smile.

Lula. said...

My love-hate relationship with onions caused Ben to buy me some (very well used I might add) onion goggles for Christmas last year.

Not fair that you still look pretty in goggles.