Nov 9, 2008

N, K, M & L. In that order.

These are just a few of my favorites. I took well over 200 photos of these guys, & Kristi looked perfect in every single one. Seriously.
Every. Single. One.
It's just not fair.
Cutest family ever. And nicest. They even chatted up an older couple on the bus on our way home. They talk to strangers. In New York City. Seriously. Really, really nice people. We're glad they're our friends.


Lindsey said...

Cute family. Can you come back and take my family pictures? We're getting them done this week...

suz said...

Seriously, photography talent runs in your family! Very nice photos!

Jill said...

These are so good! Beautiful family. :)

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had the same idea as us, only your execution was better (we thought of how we should go to the park to get pictures done Sunday after we had to cancel Saturday, but we didn't make it). Now I'm wishing we had worked harder to figure it out although I definitely am not as photogenic as Kristi, so maybe it's for the best that I don't have direct comparison photos :)

Joanna said...


Katherine said...

These pictures are fantastic! What type of camera do you have?

Suzi said...

Ok, that's it-the Mackay family needs to schedule our session asap-the pictures are amazing!

Unknown said...

those really are great, Kathryn. The best you've taken so far I think.

Kera said...

awesome pix. central park does look magical. Fall is such an beautiful time of year.

Missy said...

The background + beautiful family makes for incredible photos.

eyre blog said...

anyone can look good if Kathryn is taking the pictures! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this and to mike for ticking through it as well. What a great couple you guys are!

eyre blog said...

sticking not ticking. it sounds like he was tapping his foot or something!