Dec 13, 2008

The Book Thief, & a few others that are on my virtual bookshelf.

Some friends & I started a book club blog. We just finished reading The Book Thief (loved it, loved it, loved it), & have been discussing it here. Jump in, if you'd like.
My NYC book group met a few days ago & made our picks for most of 2009. They include:
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Smith - one of my favorites)
  • Banker to the Poor (Yunus)
  • In the Time of the Butterflies (Alvarez - another personal favorite)
  • Better (Gawande)
  • Daughter of Fortune (Allende)
  • The Book Thief (Zusak - I'd probably read it again)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky)
  • Follow the River (Thom)

On my personal to read list:

  • Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
  • Einstein (Isaacson)
  • My Name is Asher Lev (Potok)
  • Sense & Sensibility (Austen)
  • The Partly Cloudy Patriot (Vowell)
  • Drames of my Father (Obama


Lindsey said...

i love books.

Lizzie said...

Sense & Sensibility is one of my favorites of all time.

suz said...

I often read a book inbetween my book club book and would love to join you in your on line book club - I too LOVE books.

Jill said...

I'm excited about these reads. I added them all to my list

Kellie said...

I'm so glad you loved The Book Thief. It was my favorite book that our book club read this year. Pope Joan is good, I recommend that one for you guys too!