I passed my camera off to her happy new owner today (hooray!) & will be without my new SLR until Monday thanks to UPS & something about bad weather. Excuses, excuses. To top it off, our trusty point & shoot had a bad case of a dead battery (oops) today, with a charger that is not-so-conveniently back at our apartment. Mike remarked that not even being sans camera stopped me from snapping pictures everywhere we went. Unfortunately, I just don't seem to have as much creative control with the BlackBerry. Nonetheless, the day was documented, albeit with low megapixels, bad colors & lots of blur.
The exhibit at South Street Seaport. Mike's brother Dan & sister Cara.
.We've been in New Canaan since last Sunday night, but made our way into the city for the day with Mike's parents & siblings to see the Bodies Exhibit . We had seen something similar a few years ago in Philadelphia with my Dad, but it was interesting to go back & see it again. The human body truly is amazing, & as Jeanne pointed out, one would think that it would be hard to come away from something like this without a belief in a higher power or at least with an acceptance of some sort of mastermind behind it all. I think it's a really fascinating exhibit & I'm really happy we got to go again, even though I've been thinking about my intestines all afternoon & how squiggly & just sort of mashed in they are. I was also really surprised at how small the female uterus is. I mean really, does it hurt when it stretches out?? That can't be comfortable.


Umm... I just don't know. But I laughed out loud. :)

Merry Day-After.
UWS Shake Shack for an early dinner. I don't think I'm allowed to eat there again for a while.
Why we will never, ever own a car in New York City. Our dinner quickly became twice as expensive (thanks, Steve).
It's been nice to be in the suburbs with family, lots of space, access to a car, & of course Target + Costco. We're lucky to have the best of both worlds, to to speak - with easy access to this suburban escape. But a few days away from New York City is long enough to remind me why I love it so much. I liked being back home today, in Manhattan, even if just for a few hours.
We're in New Canaan until Sunday, then at work for a few days, & then off to Utah to see family & friends. We're really, really excited.
Are all the pictures with your Blackberry? I would say you do pretty darn well! Thanks for the catch up. I am sitting in the dark living room, sans Christmas lights, waiting for dawn. I got up to check on the snow - yes it's still coming down (slowly though). Sigh
Your blackberry does a pretty good job. Who needs an SLR anyway?
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