Dec 9, 2008


I am my father's daughter, so I had blueberries, sugar (lots.) & milk for breakfast. Blueberries are good.

I didn't mean to create a fuss with my post yesterday. I got a lot of "was it me?!" emails from all of my smart & creative friends. It's not you, I promise. It wasn't you. We all share ideas. I post my favorite things because I want to share - that's part of this whole blogging sphere. I think that's great. And creative things? I wouldn't be who I am without my friends & their influences in my life. I really appreciate the diversity of ideas & thought that other people bring to me - often times through their blogs. But those shared things weren't what I was really referring to at all. I hope I wasn't unclear. Do you understand? I thought so many of your comments were really great.

We got cable last Friday - for the first time in our married life - which means that Mike feels like he got his man card back (ESPN & The Daily Show), & I got to watch Gossip Girl without commercials. My life will never be the same. What an episode last night, by the way. Mike & I (yes, he watched with me, albeit begrudgingly) were laughing out loud at the truly excessive drama. I love it, & Mike probably (maybe?) secretly does too. Don't judge. It's okay to waste 40 minutes a week.

I made White Bean Chili for dinner the other night - with chopped tortillas, sour cream & cheese on top. The recipe is one of my favorites- from my friend Laurel in our old Manhattan ward. I love the lime juice. I almost want to make it again this week, because it's just that good. Especially with sweet corn bread. Yum.

Mike and I are totally sleep deprived. Monday nights are always late for us, & the thought of four more days isn't so fun. Mike is exhausted (5:15am wake up calls for seminary don't help, although he loves teaching) & the circles under my eyes have this really pretty bluish-green tint to them this week. I'm feeling really pretty. Thank goodness for the truly powerful MAC concealer I bought last week.

I found $7 in the pocket of my jacket this morning, one that I haven't worn in a few weeks.


Oh - & I'm grateful for trains that are 3 minutes late. I barely made it this morning, & making it meant not wasting half an hour. My exercise as of late has consisted of wind sprints. Last night - four blocks, in knee high boots. This morning - up the subway stairs, down the block, & up the stairs to the train platform at 125th. I'm going to have some great legs if this keeps up.


Sine family said...

I'm excited for book club. I love that anyone is invited and that we aren't clique-ish. :)

Jill said...

That soup is SO tasty. I agree it is best with the corn bread. YUM. Brad really wants me to make it now.

word confirm: butdo
i love those things

Lindsey said...

i love blueberries too. just this year, actually. i love them in yogurt, with some sugar.

Julia said...

I agree about last nights Gossip Girl. I admit to watching it, and I totally got that from you. I'll admit that I am totally unoriginal when it comes to my guilty TV pleasures!

Lizzie said...

I love Laurel's white bean chili & so does JT. We've made it twice already this cold season & I can't wait to make it again. So yummmy.