Dec 5, 2008


In keeping with tradition, I bought a new ornament for our tree last night (& maybe I bought two, because I just couldn't decide).
The thought process behind my choices is obvious.

1. We like to eat cupcakes.
2. We are love birds (even better - ours are kissing).

*If you use your Anthro card (not a credit card) at checkout, you receive 30% off ornaments until December 8th.


Jill said...

you made an excellent choice (i am sam voice).

Jan said...

I LOVE them!!! With a teensy permament marker you could mark them with an '08 so you'd always remember the year you bought them,if you'd like. We do that with our ornament exchange and it's really surprisingly fun looking back. We've been at it 13 years now...amazing.

Unknown said...

I would love to do a whole tree in those colors/textures!

Missy said...

I'm with Kelli - a tree in all those textures would be gorgeous.

Kera said...

i so love this tradition of yours and am envious we didn't think of it a few years ago :(

Elizabeth said...

I wonder if I could make the cupcake one you should bring it to Utah when you come in less than a month and I will make more for you. in less than a month. Did I mention you are coming to see me in less than a month?