Dec 17, 2008

I really should look at the forecast before I do my hair.

I watched like four episodes of The Hills yesterday (& have a few less brain cells as a result), so you can't really blame me for wanting to look a little like Lauren Conrad today. I parted my hair down the middle (vs. the left side) & curled it this morning. It was cute (I think? Mike looked confused), but it's snowing/icing/drizzling today, so now my hair is looking a little different, & maybe not quite as cute as LC's.

The pretty dark circles under my eyes are also especially nice, thanks to being sick, tired & probably dehydrated - but picture them a more greenish-bluish tint. I couldn't get the color just right.

Someone come take my picture, quick!


Julia said...

I'm sure you still look good (you always do). It sounds like you are well enough to be out and about, I hope you are better. I can never get away with parting my hair in the middle-- I think it makes me look like I am 12.

Heidi said...

I guess you are back at work then? So are you feeling better?

Lauren's hair is pretty much all extensions so she's got nothing on you!

Missy said...

I love the (I think? Mike looked confused). I'm sure it looked SO PRETTY.

I hope you are feeling better! Especially with your sister in law coming into town.

I hope your work has some hot chocolate.

Kellie said...

I have LC hair envy too. I don't know why I continue to watch The Hills, def. losing brain cells...

Tara Edwards said...

Lovely! I'm sure you look much better than your artistic impression of yourself. Remember, she has a stylist that makes her all pretty. Reality is not all it's cracked up to be!

Jennifer said...

Love the stick straight hair and smile.

Jill said...

oh i need to see the new style. i think it is fun to switch things up.

Sine family said...

I thought it looked very cute when I saw you yesterday.