I took a drive up to Park City on Friday to visit the outlets & made a stop in Midway to see Kelli's new little Finn. He's a cute one, right? A perfectly perfect little boy.
Other things we* did in Utah:
- Ate at Magelby's Fresh. Twice. Pancakes with my family on Friday, & french toast with my pretty friend Lauren on Monday. Can someone please send me their syrup recipe?
- Bought lots of new underwear. That's always the best, right?
- Walked around the BYU bookstore for a very long time. Stared at very young girls who must have been pushing around baby dolls in their strollers, just to practice. Right?
- Attended the Tabernacle Choir's Music & the Spoken Word on Sunday with my parents, Mike & Bryan. Loved it.
- Met Lindsey, Heidi, Bri & Jen for dinner @ The Dodo on Saturday night, post-shopping at Gateway (where I bought these pants in pink & love them). I had the pulled pork quesadilla & it was so good. We managed to not take a single picture of all of us together (?!?!). Girls, we need to do it again. Soon.
- Had lots of nice long talks with Mike's grandma in Mapleton. I really love her. Also enjoyed a real Sunday dinner with a few dozen of the Whiting clan. How fun.
- Visited J & Kellie at their house (house!). Almost convinced them to move back to New York, but probably didn't succeed.
- Convinced Hudson that his name (+ his train named Thomas) should be George, instead. Just for fun. It produced a lot of giggles.
- Went to Eggs in the City for brunch. I think it has potential, but I'll order something else next time.
- Bought the mandatory modest-undershirts (at Shade, Down East [I like theirs better than Shade's] & Kaleidoscope) that come with any trip to Utah.
- Spent lots of time with family + significant others of family members (both of whom are lovely).
- Drove through a blizzard & realized that I'm a good driver in the snow, despite me getting behind the wheel only a few times a year.
- Target. Oh how I love Target.
- Ditto to Costco. And PhotoShop (Elements. maybe Santa will bring me the full CS4 version next year, if I deem it necessary)! Someone please teach me how to use it, quick.
We had a nice trip. I always like to visit Utah, with the stunning mountains, easy conveniences & really, really cheap food. Oh, & family + friends, too. We especially love that part.
*Well, Mike went snowboarding every day except Sunday, so most of things are "I" instead of "we" (& that's okay). Mike had a really great time snowboarding with his brothers & friends, & I had a great time shopping & playing with my friends & family. It was a perfect arrangement. Next time I'll ski.
I love that little boy. :) Your trips are always jam packed but it definitely sounds like you picked the best of Utah to visit.
So fun to finally meet in person! I could have stayed there all night!
I love visiting Utah too and can never fit in everything and everyone! I am glad I got to meet you. I am surprised we didn't take any pictures!
I set up the pictures for tara and Joanna to fix so they could teach us photoshop so upload pics to that and then let them know when you do so they can show us all.
that baby picture is so sweet. It made me sad that Will is so big.
It sounds like a perfect trip. I have never been to Eggs in the City, but you were a short walk from the house I grew up in (Dan Creer grew up close by too). Love that hood!
I thought you were joking. Not ONE photo of you girls together?! I've been waiting and waiting to see one and none of you bloggers even took one?
I'm so sad.
You always are so busy on your trips! We need to do a girls trip to a spa somewhere and just relax by a pool! But it all sounded like fun, and I wish I was there :)
So fun hanging out. Thanks for the introducing me to disposable jeans, btw.
Oh, and I got some boots. I'm all set.
I thought the same later that night...Not one photo?! Shame on us! Fun to all meet up. Can't wait until next time. Sorry you got stuck in a snowstorm after meeting me! Next time I want to go to Magelby's Fresh with you for breakfast.
Very sweet picture of Finn. Newborns are so sweet.
Baby dolls, lol! They're not too young, we're just getting old.
I can teach you photoshop. Although I have never used Elements. And Illustrator, wait until you try Illustrator. You'll go crazy.
so ironic...when you come to UT that is my regular life..... magelby's, mapleton(we are living there for a short time) snowbird, gateway, etc..... AWESOME
Eggs in the City is about 2 blocks away from my parent's house. I'm so jealous!
It was great seeing you, even though my little guy created a huge distraction for me. And thanks for sharing your berries and creme.
Your bangs look very cute.
Ben had a blast skiing (boarding) with Mike.
Glad you had a reat trip but so glad you are home. Can't wait to see you.
i actually do have the magleby's fresh syrup recipe if you want it. let me know! and please don't think i'm weird for reading through your archives, i am just really excited to move to NY and am living through other people until i get there. :)
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