Self-portraits with a 50mm fixed lens don't work so well (on attempts #1, 2 or 3). I need monkey arms.
I resorted to the mirror & my 18-55mm. The lighting was super great, right?

I really liked CJane's post the other day. When a person (who was probably having a bad day, like people often do) left her a lovely comment informing her that she was self-centered (!?) she said,
Perhaps, I thought to myself, this commenter knows very little about
blogging. Blogging is the exercise of the self-centered habit. Bloggers must
have a degree of self-centeredness or else how could they expect the world to
care about their politics or positions on world views much less precious
pictures of their posterity [or hair]?
So here I am, posting a half-dozen photos that I took of, yes, myself - & yes, of course I took even more, but am not posting them because I looked like either a) Jim Carey or b) a monster, & it's my right & responsibility to not show the internet my double chin or squinty eyes. And because I blog, & even post filtered self-portraits (gasp), I guess that makes me a little self-centered. For posterity's sake, though, which maybe takes away a little bit of the self-centeredness.
On a sort-of related note, I was thinking this morning that maybe I should get down off of my soapbox (who cares what my favorite song of the day is, as much as I love Ingrid?), but then I remembered... it's my soapbox. No one has to read it. I don't have to read anyone else's meanderings, either. I was reminded of this on Tuesday, when after getting really irritated by a blog that I have frequented I remembered that I can just NOT READ IT. Imagine that. Instead of getting offended, or even irritated, I can just STOP. Amazing.
So if you hate my hair, or hate my blog, or hate my choice in music, books, or friends - just sshh. This is a happy place.
Oh. And I'm really not trying to sound so abrasive. I can't figure out how to make it not sound so abrasive. So just know that I'm not - being abrasive, that is.
I love your hair and your blog. So stay on your soapbox. I will continue to read, because I choose to!
blogs are great for journaling. yesterday when i was thinking of my 'favorites' for 2008, i just had to scroll through the blog to be reminded.
it made me laugh, smile, reflect. it also reminds me to keep a written journal. you can track growth, remember the good/bad. we're asked to keep journals for good reasons.
The bangs are so cute! And you know, our blogs are our own space. If people don't like it, they can choose not to read. That's what I tell myself when I start to feel a little judged. This is yours, make it what you want. I enjoy your writing, so thanks!
love the self portraits. your hair is so super stylish. i am a huge fan of it. wish i could have bangs like that but they would be thin, flimsy. greasy mess.
So right. And while you can think that others might be annoyed, they shouldn't read but I would venture to say that 99% of your readers LOVE what you write Kathryn.
Such cute bangs. Thanks for the portraits. I think it's refreshing when people post phots of themself, actually.
BTW, the 1% is probably just that one commenter that we all gasped at when you posted her info on statcounter...
I'm sad that you even feel like you need to write disclaimers because of what? 2 weirdo commenters out there.
I'm with the rest- love the blog and the bangs.
I think it's healthy to take photos of yourself sometimes.
You haircut looks SOOOOOO good-so hip-so New York-I love it!!
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