Favorite words of the afternoon: Apple, Thank You & Please.

Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?

Pondering the contents of The Economist.
Based on my experience today, I've determined that becoming an urban momma someday will result in:
- The growth of much bigger muscles (legs, arms, abs, you name it).
- The production of more sweat, even when it's 27 degrees outside.
- The acquiring of more friends (everyone wants to talk to you when you have a cute little curlie haired blondie strapped to your chest).
My child is huge for his age and I keep thinking I should be totally toned thanks to that (especially since he refuses to crawl and likes to be carried everywhere) but I haven't noticed any improved muscles!
And it is true, people are friendlier or something when you have a little child in tow.
I can't really imagine living in a cold place with kids because not only do you deal with the layers (and sweating from all the carrying/work) on yourself, but also on the babies!
I love that she's looking at you while Mike reads Brown Bear.
at least your arms get strong...unfortunately it's not a great help for abs.
people will be so nice to you when your child is smiling, but just wait until you get in a grocery store or on a plane and your tike decides its the perfect time to melt down. I love glares :)
she is so very cute.
Thanks again. It was a real life-saver.
And of course, your pictures are so much better than mine, as always. We need to try and bribe you to take some family pictures of us (John's idea for family picture for Christmas card - get the doorman to take a snapshot with our point and shoot; no thanks).
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