Feb 22, 2009

It was sunny on Saturday (please come back, Mr. Sun).

Cafe Condesa in the West Village. Hot chocolate, with lots of foam on top.

Barrow Street Theatre.

Sometimes it's fun to have a day with no boys allowed. A few of us had such a day on Saturday, starting with brunch in the West Village (I had huveos rancheros con chorizo), a bit of wandering, & finishing off with an off-Broadway production of Our Town at the Barrow Street Theatre. I had never read the play (don't judge- I'm a product of mediocre public education, I suppose) & didn't quite know what I was getting into, but overall, I liked it. Suzi & I made a very-necessary break for the nearest bodega during the first 10 minute intermission, which resulted in ingesting a massive amount of thoroughly processed sugar. This did the trick & was successful at keeping sleep at bay, & the second half did a much better job at keeping our attention. It was a very raw production (no set to speak of, modern clothing, no music for the most part, in a very intimate theater), unlike anything I've seen in New York. I walked away feeling more... cultured (I hate the pretentiousness associated with that word, but it's true. I did). Which I suppose makes my $27 worth it.
Thanks friends. It was a lovely day & good for my soul.
*Not to worry, Mike was not ignored for the entire day (& he was in the office much of the day, anyway). We ate some treats & watched A Mighty Wind with some friends last night. I really, really love that movie. Along with Best in Show. Two of my very favorites. Pure genius.


Lindsey said...

I love the mug.

Fun to go to a play. And a gritty one at that.

We've been having milder weather too. I'm afraid of getting my hopes of for spring, but I really hope it stays this way!

Heidi said...

Hot chocolate is best with lots of foam on top!

Suzi said...

I still have a stomach ache from all of the treats and I am still dreaming of the delicious brunch. Such a fun day!

Missy said...

That sounds like some of the plays I went to while I lived in London (I was a play addict, I think I saw 52 plays when I was there). I too felt it was worth it and oftentimes miss it SO much. You're lucky.

Best in Show is one of our favorites too.

erin said...

i like no boys allowed sometimes, especially when i see a good play like this that makes me think and makes me want to go home and tell matt how much i love him. good day.

Jill said...

funny. sounds like an interesting play.

Tara Edwards said...

How fun. I love days like that and they are too few and far between. And I love your pictures as always. You have such a great perspective!