Feb 18, 2009


We went with Erin & Matt + Brad & Jill + Dan & Francesca last night to see the very first test taping of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. It was his first test show (the live shows begin airing in March) & while he was admittedly a little bit nervous, it was still great. It's so fun to see shows like this come together, & I think all of us (boys excluded) have had secret crushes on Jimmy since his days on SNL. Erin was even lucky enough to touch him (I was seething with jealousy). I bet she won't wash her hands for days. And his house band? The Roots. So much fun.
Oh - & in case you were wondering what's in Jimmy's mug? It's Red Bull, & they re-fill often.


Jill said...

I admit to no such crush. I had to google him. :) I do think he is hilarious and I liked him on SNL.

He was funny.

Heidi said...

Fun! I do love Jimmy

Kellie said...

This post made me pine for NYC :(

erin said...

we've got a confirmed crush right here. i told matt to cut his hair like jimmy's.