Oh - I forgot to mention that I'm not cooking this week. Mike is out of town until Wednesday, I have an event at church Wednesday night (that, go figure, involves food), & then we're out of town through Sunday. That means my dinner tonight will consist of one of the following:
a) cereal
b) eggs
c) an Amy's frozen bean & cheese burrito especial
Although actually - I have brie in my fridge. And lettuce. And pears. And tortillas. Which could make a really yummy wrap with some dijon mustard, I think. I used to order something like that all the time for lunch, back in the day when I was working in Greenwich...
But seriously. No cooking this week. More ideas next week. In the meantime, check out Jill's Cottage Cheese Pancakes. She made them for us on Saturday night & I almost cried of pure happiness (I topped mine with strawberries & powdered sugar).
sounds good to me. we just made burritos tonight. again. :)
we could have hung out tonight. sean is at school until probably midnight. sad.
I kind of took a break with my mom in town and am having a hard time getting back into the groove. Where are you going?
we made black bean burgers last night. SO GOOD. you have to try the recipe.
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