Mar 15, 2009


Yesterday. In Brooklyn. Right by Prospect Park. It's really coming, I promise. 



Lula. said...

You sound like me. I cannot wait any longer.

Beautiful photo, btw.

Lindsey said...

yay! i am so ready for spring. well, so ready for winter to be OVER.

Jill said...

Yay!! I can't wait, seriously.

Jill said...

thank heaven. i'm ready.

Missy said...

Beautiful photo Kathryn. I'm so excited for you (and am hoping you still aren't working on the first glorious 70 degree spring day in NYC when all the people flock to Central Park to relax outdoors).

Elizabeth said...

So pretty thats a good sign... Cold is almost over.

erin said...

i have a lump in my throat. does this mean i can start wearing flip flops?