Did you know that if you don't like something from Sephora, you can just take it back?? Even if you've used it?? It says so, right on the back of the receipt. Count me in as a loyal customer.
After a 15 minute conversation last week with a very patient employee, I brought home Make Up Forever's Smoky Lash (whose very-slight margin of victory over Givenchy's Phenomen'Eyes was only due to perceived ease of use). I used it. I hated it. Clumpy, goopy & dry. I really hate dry mascara. I took it back.
I came home from trip #2 with Supernova from Fresh (I really love Fresh products).
I love it.
Great whipped texture (no clumps, goops or spidery lashes), wonderful separating brush & gives natural but defined lashes. I'm quite pleased.
(If you try it & hate it - sorry. I've decided that mascara shopping is like bra shopping. I'm quite particular, & understand that we each have our own tastes & needs.)
I'm the same way with mascara. I don't think I've purchased back-to-back mascaras in like 3 years. I do like MAC Fiber Rich though. When I want to splurge, that's usually what I go for. I'll have to try this one though. I'm a sucker for pretty packaging.
But you're right, to each her own.
I did not know that about Sephora's return policy! Good to know!
Such great information..I'm with you on the mascara bit...it is like bra shopping!!
Oh and YAY!! for you and getting into the Nike Women's Marathon!! YIPEE!
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