I totally bombed a phone interview this morning. Totally bombed, & I'm a recruiter by profession so I know what bombed really means. Don't bother trying to make me feel better. It is what it is, & such is life in the midst of a job search. Oh - & I realized that I could never, ever date again if I needed to. This whole, Nice to chat with you, we'll call if we're interested thing is just sort of nauseating.
To compensate for my ailing self-esteem, I did what I do best as of late:
Grabbed friend Erin & headed down to Tribeca to meet Mike at previously mentioned Dumpling Truck outside of his building. The man inside? He waved. He recognized me, from our conversation the day before (where we talked about about blogging, after he asked why I was taking photos). Sort of embarrassing, but the dumplings were worth it.
And then - went to Tribeca Treats for some cupcakes (I chose PB&J) + hot chocolate. That place is cute. Cute cupcakes, cute letterpress, cute cookbooks & cute kitchen gadgets. Loved it.
The sun was out & it was a happy day. Besides the whole feeling like I want to throw up &/or cry because of my interview. I walked home from an appointment at Madison & 66th in the sun this afternoon, & it made me feel a tiny bit better.

yogurtland could have potentially helped you to feel better, too, but i'm glad the walk was nice. anytime you want to grab me for some dumplings again (or anything else, for that matter), i'm your girl. thanks for going to the children's place with me.
Yummy. You'll have to take me there some time.
I'm so stinkin mad I can't be a lady of leisure with you anymore. I love that people at your frequented places are getting to know you. What a fun day!
PS-I bet you are just being extra sensitive about the interview thing.
truly sorry about the interview BUT I must say I am really loving all your blog posts.
I'm loving the blog posts too. That PBJ cupcake?? I've never heard of such a thing. Looks tasty, I love PB.
Tribeca Treats looks amazing. Yum. Glad you had a sunny day too... that makes a big difference.
The dumplings look delish....
And - you did the good thing....fresh air and a walk are a perfect way to help the body deal with insult. I'm so sorry about the interview.
Notice the time of this post. If I could, I'd be walking right now. My brain is on overdrive so I'm not sleeping like I should be.
so sorry about your interview! you win some you lose some. who was it with?
i still really really want dumplings. :)
That dumpling truck looks like something my Ben would devour.. not the truck, the dumplings.
I am taking mental note of all the places I want you guys to take us should we ever make our way out east...
Sorry about your interview. I hate that "bombed" feeling.
OK so this pretty much seals it. We need to set up a play date... but this might be more for me, than for the chillins. In my neck of the woods--upper manhattan--I don't even know about these fabulous eateries of which you blog. It's like we live in 2 difference cities and right now your city is looking like Coolville and my city is Boringstown. {Sigh}.
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