Apr 12, 2009


I gave up my seat out of Phoenix this afternoon, so while Mike is likely flying over Chicago right now on his way to JFK, I'm listening to the incessant noise of slot machines in the Vegas airport en route to my now red-eye flight back home. It's worth the free ticket, right? I'm 98% certain it is. 

In the meantime, friend Jill (In Manhattan) helped to alleviate potential boredom by walking me through the set up of video gChat (she's a true friend) & we had a lovely time talking while people looked at me as if I were clinically insane. Next up - I taught my dad (in Spokane), who then talked to brother Patrick (in Colorado Springs) on the phone at the same time. Somewhere in there, I read sister Tara's blog (she's in Portland), updated my Facebook status & checked my email on my BlackBerry (I stop at Twitter. It's just one tiny step too far for me). It's fun to be so connected, although we still have to teach the Hudsons about the wonders of family conference calls.  

I need an electrical outlet, fast. 


Heidi said...

How unfortunate that I missed you being in town! We could have done something fun, although it looks like you were actually pretty entertained!

Jill said...

hahaa, yeah! i love seeing your dad on the chat. so fun.

Bret said...

we should iChat sometime...just sayin'