Apr 14, 2009

Must make Costco run for black beans.

Last night. Dinner.

We can't stop making Spicy Black Bean Burgers (thanks, JS). I think last night marked the 4th meal - in the last week - that has been dedicated to these meat-free lovelies. We use Arnold's Sandwich Thins instead of buns & love the excuse to add avocado to our menu (we love avocado). And garlic - I don't believe in using our garlic press anymore. We used to always use it, & then we discovered the joy of buying massive jars of already-minced garlic. It tastes exactly the same as fresh, except it's way easier & doesn't make your fingers stink for days. Oh - & I forgot to mention that Cait & Dan gave us a flat of black beans when they were cleaning out their cupboards in preparation to leave New York. We're now officially out of black beans.

This week's menu is full of repeats, & I've realized that our frequency of eating out sometimes makes our weekly menu lame. Oh well. 
  • Monday: Spicy Black Bean Burgers (with avocado, tomatoes & Colby Jack cheese).
  • Tuesday: Out. I'm thinking Southwestern.
  • Wednesday: Cottage Cheese Pancakes (they were sadly skipped last week)
  • Thursday: Dumplings.
  • Friday: Dinner out with Mike's parents to celebrate Mike & Jeanne's birthdays. We're going to Blue Smoke
  • Saturday: Vegetable Thai Curry on Jasmine Rice, thanks to Trader Joe's yellow curry sauce. No recipe needed. Vegetables. Curry sauce. Cilantro. Rice. OR - a date, in which case Vegetable Thai Curry will get pushed back to Sunday. 


Jill said...

its not even 11 am and i'm ready for dinner now!

here is an new menu item for you, last night we made french bread pizza - just homemade tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella. let that bake for 10 min on 375. then pull them out and add tomatoe slices on top and bake for 5 more minutes. it was so tasty!

and i made cc pancakes AGAIN on saturday. they just don't get old.

Lizzie said...

Yum, I need to try that. It looks delicious!