Apr 17, 2009

I don't drink myself into a drunken stupor, I just consume massive amounts of sugar.

I understand that there are other desserts in the world. I get that the cupcake craze that has taken over New York (& spread) is sort of borderline silly. But it hit me today that meeting up with my friends for cupcakes is sort of like the Mormon version of Starbucks. We don't meet for up for coffee & we don't meet for cocktails at 5:45pm on a Tuesday. We eat cupcakes (or Yogurt Land, or Pinkberry, or hot chocolate during the winter), & I think it's sort of great. Cupcake time with friends - or Mike - is lovely, & at times, absolutely necessary.

See. Cupcakes (slash Yogurt Land slash Pinkberry slash hot chocolate during the winter) bring us together. 

Although yesterday, I went to Bouchon Bakery at Columbus Circle & had two French macaroons - pistachio & raspberry - & I'm thinking that maybe macaroons should be the new cupcake. 


erin said...

so i guess i never thought of it that way, but i concur whole-heartedly. and maybe that means i have a slight addiction. if i don't have some sort of baked good on a daily basis, i kind of get grumpy. i heart mormon happy hour.

patrick said...

The great and glorious thing is that you can eat these goodies without guilt, since you undoubtedly walk miles and miles to get to your favorite hang outs. You are so lucky - to be in the land of such great friends and delectables.

patrick said...

Oops - that was Mom on Patrick's computer. Sorry

JC said...

K - don't delete my comment. (lol)

French Macaroons are the greatest thing to grace this planet. So spectacular and delish. Try them at Payard (also check out their wonderful desserts if you haven't already). Macaroons are also easy to make - we should have a party making them... :)

Jennifer said...

mmm those cupcakes are very tempting!

k. said...

Jenn, really?! Easy?? I'm in. Let's do it.

Lizzie said...

What is a macaroon? I don't think I've ever had one. But I could sure go for a cupcake right about now.

JC said...

basically the cookie is just blanched almonds, egg whites and sugar, oh and either cocoa or whatever for the flavor. You can fill the center with ganache or jam or lemon curd. Easy, but a little more time consuming than most. I'm totally up for it though...soon, because now I am CRAVING them.

Oh, Fauchon also has excellent macaroons flown in from Paris. Yum.