May 5, 2009


We went to Typhoon Lagoon. 
Played in the (huge) wave pool. Lounged in the lazy river. Introduced Spencer to Dip 'n Dots. Got just a teesy bit sunburned in places that haven't seen the sun for a while. Ate ham & cheese sandwiches. Swam with sharks. Opportunistically bought new swimsuits. Got some new freckles. Since when did I have freckles?

We spent an evening at Downtown Disney. 
Ate dessert at Ghiradelli. Observed Harrison go from eating ice cream (+ paper napkins) to being out within a matter of minutes. Looked at massive structures made solely out of Legos. Kids clearly had a fun day.

Hollywood Studios
9am until 2:30pm. Favorite ride: Rock 'n Roller Coaster, hands down (we did it twice). 2nd Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror. Stunt show was very cool. American Idol experience was great. The NYC "set" was a little off in terms of their North/South placement, but still fun (strange) to see.
It was hot.

We took a mid-day swim (+ shower + feeding) break.
Necessary when you're wearing 27 layers in 90 degree heat (we washed all of our clothes mid-day). Mike & Spencer did a lot of back flips in the pool. Harrison went down the slide 347 times. Parker sat in the shade since he spent ALL. DAY. on Friday in the wave pool.

We went to The Magic Kingdom. 
Until almost midnight. It was magical.
It's a Small World made me happy. Mickey's PhilharMagic was fun. Lines weren't long. Strollers were everywhere. Loved Harrison saying, Don't be scared! It's not scary! over & over again on the (not-scary) Star Wars ride. Wore my new flip flops all day long. So squishy & comfortable. Fireworks were beautiful, even if I have no idea how to photograph them. Everything brought back lots of memories from my childhood.

Loved this trip. So fun to be with Tara & Kevin + their family. Fell in love with chocolate milk for the weekend. Missed Elizabeth & wished all four sisters (+ the whole Hudson family tree) could have been together. Hope we can all go together soon.


caitlin and brinton said...

Kathryn! I LOVE Disneyland, but have never been to Disneyworld. Your pictures make me so excited about anything Disney! We're going back to 'land in October and now I'm looking forward to it even more. You are so great with your camera. Glad you had a fun trip. Thanks for the boost of excitement.
P.S. Where did you get that ADORABLE shirt? Love the pink shorts too!

Erin said...

Ah, this post brings back so many memories! Typhoon Lagoon?! AWESOME! :) I decided that I love DISNEY. Until our trip a few months ago I hadn't been to either of the parks in years, and it was SO FUN!

What are you talking about you can't photograph fireworks? They look great to me! Much better than I could have pulled off!

Unknown said...

wow. that's perfect- disney with sisters + families. I haven't been to a disney park since 5th grade I think. I can't wait to go sometime soon.
how was the humidity?

I love your sister's colorful shirt. and you always have the best swimsuit coverups.

makes me REALLY hope we see some sun soon.

Valerie said...

What a fun trip!! You look so pretty Kathryn...I love bangs on you! The last pictures with the fireworks are amazing!! You did good!

Melissa said...

by the way the last comment was from me...I was helping my Aunt get signed into a google account and forgot I was signed is as her. Sorry. :)

Jan said...

You make mouse ears sexy!!! Looks like a blast. I loved when we went but I missed being with you guys.. Sorry about the yoga pants at least no one noticed or said anything.

Jill said...

What a fun trip! Your pictures turned out nice, I think the fireworks look awesome. Disneyland is so fun.

Kera said...

we have a zoo here :)

Missy said...

Beautiful, colorful, sharp photos Kathryn! I love the photo of your sister and husband with the four kids and then you guys with the four kids. Cute.

How DID your shoot the photos of the fireworks? so pretty.

Suzi said...

Looks like such a perfect trip. Such amazing pictures! And I need to know where you got the pink shorts-I need some new long shorts and can't seem to find any.

Heidi said...

All those strollers- oh my! I love Disneyworld. Have you been to all the other parks in Disneyworld? If not they are for sure worth a return. Those photos of the fireworks- I am impressed! I like the shirt you wore to Magical Kingdom. You look great in color!

Lindsey said...

love these. Love them. so many cute cute photos.

Lizzie said...

That looks like the best trip. I love Disneyland. What is more fun than fireworks at the magic kingdom?! How fun to be with family too.

PS: I just bought that flowered shirt, I'm so glad it finally went on sale, I've been wishing it would for months. I love it paired with those pink shorts. You look darling (as usual).

k. said...

Caitlin, my shirt is from Anthropolgoie (lizzy, I'm sad I don't have your patience - I bought mine a few months ago). My shorts are the first "long" shorts I ever bought - from American Eagle, ca. 2005. :)

Missy, I just shot them on manual, but it was tricky. Maybe I need a tripod??

Lula. said...

Looks like such a fun time! As ALWAYS, awesome pics! Oh, and I love your shirt.