May 21, 2009


Lately, you're my favorite.

(PS - the dictionary says we can call them mangos or mangoes. They don't mind either way.)


Unknown said...

Lucky you. John has a pretty severe contact allergy so I can't touch them. I should really just splurge and buy the already cut stuff.

erin said...

fresh direct gave me two free mangoes the other day, just because. it made me happy. i wonder if sticky rice would taste good using brown rice... what do you think? healthier, but barely.

Missy said...

How do you cut these?? I bought one to make Chloe's baby food and it was a MESS. And I pulled and cut and ended with not nearly enough fruit.

k. said...

M, they're messy. I just cut off the skin, and then cut the rest off in chunks. But it's a weird fruit with the strange seed thing in the middle. I don't know any good tricks. I'll research. :)