May 30, 2009


Me: Hey Mike, should I post this one or this one of you [2 photos in the same spot, with Mike angling his head in a slightly different way]?

Mike: Either one, my butt looks fantastic. 


My apartment is still full of boxes. So many boxes, so few places for everything to go, & this dull ache on the right side of my brain just won't go away.

I worked from 6am until 8pm last night in the apartment, with a quick trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond somewhere in the middle of the day. I'm exhausted. Probably more tired than I've ever been, well, ever. Mike is a trooper & has a thousand things going on - a demanding workload at work, a leadership development program he was asked to participate in that's virtually a 2nd job, teaching seminary, etc. & he's literally burning the candle at both ends - which means that I sort of had to do a lot of this move (the prep & now the clean up) by myself. I'm not complaining, because we're each pulling our own weight, but needless to say, our weight feels really heavy right now, & I'm tired. 

We went out to dinner last night (to a mediocre Italian place that we'll never go back to & isn't worth linking) & then I came home & collapsed mid-Lakers/Nuggets game. I woke up in the middle of the night with a piercing headache (surprise!) that required that I navigate through the land mine that is our room, in the dark of night, in search of drugs. Problem: where on earth was our medicine box? I couldn't find it, so I had to start a 2nd search for our first aid box hoping that I'd find something suitable. After finally finding some Tylenol, I managed to get back into bed without tripping over the wires, suitcases, boxes, frames & strewn clothing that have taken over our bedroom floor. 

I should be in Brooklyn right now at the start line for my half marathon. The decision to not run was pretty much cemented yesterday when even my finger joints were sore & I'd gotten four hours of sleep for the past week. Sometimes I guess you just have to cry uncle & give something up, & this week, I just about screamed it. I'm disappointed, but had to face it - It was probably (was.) the most ill-timed race I could have possibly signed up for. Sigh. 

It's been grey & raining for the past few days. Today - it's beautiful. We're off to the block party our church is throwing (in front of our chapel on 87th Street), errands, a visit to our new gym (yoga! kickboxing! nice treadmills!), & are hopefully making another massive dent in this mess. 


suz said...

good luck with all the boxes and so sorry about the half marathon you missed.

Unknown said...

Oh, Kathryn. I'm tired for you. Our last move was miserable too. Brad was gone the week I packed and cleaned- just a couple weeks after having a baby, I flew by myself, and he was gone the entire week I cleaned and unpacked in a new state. I said the same thing about never being so tired in my entire life. I think I was right. It was painful. It is really really HARD to move and I hope it passes quickly for you. Bummer about your race but good for you to be able to let it go. I'm guessing you'll be completely done (maybe minus hanging pictures) by tomorrow night/ Monday morning. That's no time. And then you can light an anthropologie candle and enjoy your widow ledge. Good luck!

Suzi said...

I am so tired just reading this! Poor you...I hope it is all over soon. Why is unpacking worse than packing?! And thanks for taking the time to blog even though you are so busy-what would I do if you didn't?!!

Kera said...

I've seen every apartment you have lived in. i must love you :)
Hopefully we (me and p) can make it out sometime this fall!