May 31, 2009

Pommes Frites.

I'm certainly not a hipster, but I just can't seem to get away from the East Village these days. Last week, six friends & I ventured down to Pommes Frites on 2nd Avenue for a late afternoon snack - slash - early dinner of Belgian fries & dipping sauce. For perspective, three of us shared the "regular". With a few dozen dipping sauces to choose from + perfectly thick & battered fries, this place is truly a gem. 

We may have gone to Butter Lane immediately afterwards, because, you know, it was in the neighborhood. This may have been a bad decision for our tummies, but I don't regret it one single bit. Mike terrified me today by saying, There's no way that place stays in business. $2 [$2.75] for a "custom" cupcake? They'll never make money. 

Friends, I plead with you. Please go to Butter Lane, go often, & think lots of happy thoughts about our cupcake friends. 

And yes, obviously when I find something I like, I might just get a little obsessive about it. Three times in four days? Don't judge. 


Missy said...

If only...I would totally support the $2.75 cupcake shop.

Erin said...

ok you are seriously torchering me. A few nights before you posted your last post about palms frites, I was going through my pictures and came across one of G and I there. I told G that we had to go back! I started craving them SO BAD!! THEN, you posted about it. Oh boy. And now, I am just convinced that I need to fly out there right now, just for those. Seriously. I love them. Mango Chutney sauce all the way...

Yeah I'm a dork.

Oh and I will be dreaming of those yummy frites tonight...AGAIN. :)

p.s. your new place looks great. Fire escapes are the best. Oh how I miss our old one!

erin said...

we'll keep her in business. i'm with you in spirit today.