May 19, 2009

Props to urban mamas.

Elevator? Escalator? No comprende in New York City.

It's true love, sacrifice, & service.  It really is. 

Selfish me - all I had to carry was my camera that weighs a few pounds. It is a bit cumbersome.


Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Agreed! Miss you Kathryn.

Heidi said...

O wow. I don't envy that.

Lindsey said...

it is hard work. which why i avoid the tube at all costs with two kids!

good workout though. :)

Jill said...

tough, tough ladies! i bet they could arm wrestle their husbands.

Jill said...

those dreaded stairs.

Morgan said...

hi there. you don't know me. i clicked on a link from heidi's blog (who i actually don't know personally, but we have many mutual friends) that was to your blog. when i saw you lived in manhattan (as do i ) i was intrigued and read on a little more. i saw a post with a link to brad and jill, and it turns out that it is the same jill that is my visiting teaching companion. funny. anyway, very random, but i just wanted to say hi, because i know i always like to know who's stopping by my blog.

your blog is fantastic by the way. i am one of those "urban moms" that look ridiculous carrying their strollers up and down stairs... but you do what you gotta do. i mostly just don't use the subway with kids unless there is someone there to help me.

i noticed that your NY experience is so much different than mine, (due to the subway/stroller issue) but your favorites page has inspired me to get out there more this summer!! :)

erin said...

you are sneaky. my top half looks like a circus tent, and you know how i feel about the jeans. next time we travel together, remind me to walk behind you.

Abbie said...

Can you do that with a double?

I can't wait!

Missy said...

I have a friend who has a picture of her doing this similar thing (someone took it from behind too). Love the look on those urban babies.

I hope they have the Urban Babies Wear Black board books...

Jennifer said...

Maybe I should move to NYC for the summer--this looks like a sure way to lose the baby fat.