Jun 6, 2009

Fire Escape.

Today I stopped by the flower shop around the corner, picked up some geraniums, climbed out onto my fire escape, "planted" them, & snapped some photos. It was wonderful, although I'm sort of scared of heights, & my building is really old (as are the fixtures that secure the fire escape to the brick wall - yikes!).

I didn't edit these photos. My geraniums really are that bright & pretty. I hope I don't kill them.


Erin said...

I was always scared of our fire escape too. Don't think I ever went on it. And we were only on the 2nd floor?! I was also always scared that someone would climb up it and into our window.

Love those flowers on the sidewalk. Those yellow ones are very cute.

every time I see your headband I laugh because it makes me think of your hubby thelling you it looks like mold... so funny. I think it is very cute.

k. said...

Erin, when I was getting ready for the day, I was deciding between that headband and another. When I asked Mike his opinion - grey flower or black headband - he said, "Mold, please. I like that one best."

Funny. :)

Missy said...

Funny. I thought of your husbands comment too:)

Jan said...

Are those Geraniums, Martha Washingtons? They need bigger homes, right? Then they will flourish....Osmocote too, if you have some. When you get more soil for them get the Miracle Grow water control. It's the best I love the colors you chose!