Jun 13, 2009


- Grand Central Terminal -

Friday. Rush hour. Bustling. Beautiful.


laurel said...

This is my favorite building in all of NYC. Great picture. Wanted to tell you that I went to Butter Lane - yummmmm - favorites were vanilla cake with lemon and vanilla cake with raspberry.

Laurel Walker

Lindsey said...

great picture.

k. said...

Lauren, you're in New York?? Living or visiting?? I thought you guys moved, but now your blog is private & I just don't know. :)

laurel said...

we are back :) three months away, brad got a new job, just moved into a new place on murray street. send me your email and I'll "invite" you - laurelhwalker @ gmail.com

ps - we grabbed pommes frites after butter lane - one of my favorites for about 7 years - glad you discovered it too!

Louise said...

I love this picture - I think GCT is one of my favourite places in NYC. I loved getting the train from New Canaan into there, and taking a moment to breathe in the hustle and bustle - very energising!