Jun 10, 2009

He's back.

Mike's little brother Dave left 2 years ago for Rosario, Argentina to serve a mission for our church. This morning, he came home. 

We woke up bright & early to meet him at JFK, although it wasn't especially bright at 4:15am. The waiting at the airport had all of us dancing around on our tip toes in anticipation. Our antsy group of cameras (2), iPhones (2) & video camera for various forms of recording must have been quite the site. 

It was great to see him walk through the door, all grown up. He has a teensy bit of an accent. A lilt, you could say. 

When Dave saw Jeanne's iPhone he said, What is that?!

When we were driving through Queens he said, Wow! Wood houses!

We drove into the city to meet the Whiting's Stake President for breakfast, & then went up to his office in the Met Life building above Grand Central for Dave's release. It was really special. Tears were shed. Thoughts & love were shared. 

Having a missionary come home is a really cool experience. 

We went back to New Canaan, snacked on Argentine treats, took naps, talked with family via iChat, & ate a massive dinner of Cafe Rio (Dave's request), Cilantro-Lime rice, brown sugar beans, & enough guacamole to feed a small army. It was great. Next weekend, we'll all be together again for a little family vacation with the Whiting Family Tree. 

Welcome home, Dave. We're so proud.

(See videos here. They're fun.)


Lindsey said...

wow! that was exicting for me, just reading the post. How fun. makes me a tiny bit less sad when oliver goes on a mission...in 18 years (assuming he will).

Diana said...

Amazing photos, as usual. Welcome home to your brother-in-law!

Jill said...

so sweet. i realized i had a big grin across my face as i looked at all of these pics, its just so HAPPY when missionaries come home. i'm so happy for the whitings!

Jill said...

how fun! homecomings are the best.

Emily said...

Missionary homecomings are so exciting! I have no brothers, but always loved welcoming friends home. Missionaries are incredible!

Heidi said...

I almost got a little teary looking at that! Such a happy time for family. None of my siblings served missions, I always thought it would be so wonderful to welcome them home.

Louise said...

I was shedding some tears at the picture of Dave and his Mom seeing each other for the first time in two years - I think reunions between mothers and sons are so emotive. You can literally feel the love (and relief!) between them. Loved your pictures - I felt like I was there!

Morgan said...

How exciting to have him home! I remember how funny it was to see my brother's reactions to everything when he came home from his mission in Chile.

And oh my goodness, yes! I was in the Short Hills ward at that time. It really is such a small world. The only thing is that in '94 I was 4 years old, so I don't really remember if I knew them. I'd have to ask my parents, or maybe my grandparents would remember his family. And you said that his family lives in New Canaan now. I'll bet that we know some of the same people, as a lot of our old friends from Short Hills have moved there.

Lizzie said...

Wow, I love his smile as he is walking towards his waiting family. What a sweet reunion. It makes me excited to greet my parents after their three years away ... it's going to be great.

jocelyn said...

great great pictures. i'm sure it will be so fun for him to look back on those and remember that day.

Jennifer said...

Welcome Home Dave! Go get some new shoes...isn't that what every missionary wants to do first?

emily said...

What fun pictures!! Welcome home cousin dave!

Missy said...

Oh! I loved this. Good pictures tell a story and yours did completely. I loved it. And yeah I totally choked up at the photo of him hugging his mom. I had to put myself in that place and I just can not imagine. 2 years of not seeing a child?? Wow. congrats and welcome home to Dave.

Total sidenote but we are getting our family photos taken tomorrow and I am wearing a top similar to yours with those flutter sleeves. Of course I have to wear a shade top under it. But, you just confirmed that it will look ok b/c you look darling!