Jun 3, 2009


We've been the proud owners of a few plants for the past few years - the first, a peace lily that my mom sent us after we moved into our first apartment on Wall Street. The 2nd & 3rd are rubber plants that we bought a few months later. Both varieties are sturdy, & somehow, I've managed to narrowly avoid killing all of them. However, with all of the commotion of the move & such, they're all looking a little stressed out. Last night at the sight of their obvious fatigue, Mike said Maybe we just aren't plant people, anymore. 

Maybe he said this because they're all droopy & sad this week. Maybe he said that because I drowned our 3 year old little jade plant last year, a plant that we picked up in Philadelphia at the Reading Terminal Market, or maybe because I threw another plant - that I'd had all through college - straight down our 30th floor garbage shoot once I decided that it just had too close of a resemblance to the Charlie Brown Christmas tree & we needed to finally let it go. It also happened to be a plant that Mike rescued from a horrendous rainstorm somewhere in the Midwest during our cross-country drive to New York in 2005. We stopped at a hotel for the night & decided to let our plants out to breathe. When we woke up a few hours later to torrential downpour & rain, Mike ran out to rescue them. It may have been a slightly sentimental plant. 

Anyway, the point is, Mike didn't really mean it when he said that maybe we just aren't plant people. Because really, we are. I like the green (green is my very favorite color), I like having something living, & I like how it makes our apartment feel like a home. 

Which is why I went to Trader Joe's this afternoon & bought Thai curry sauce, a BBQ chicken pizza, some frozen vegetable burritos, a package of handmade flour tortillas (the best), their Cranberry-Walnut-Gorgonzola dressing (my favorite), a few things of Greek yogurt, a container of sour cream (to make macaroni & cheese with), some celery, a bag of spinach, some dark chocolate wedges, a bag of frozen Asian stir-fry, a container of creamed honey (it looked good), two boxes of cereal & a jade plant in a very happy yellow pot. 

(Sometimes I really hate Trader Joe's because my eyes are always bigger than my muscles.)


Jan said...

They might like a shower, poor things. Moving is traumatic for everyone, even plants..... They need nice music and comforting words too....seriously! You've done amazingly well with your bathroom....whew! That was a BIG job!

Jill said...

such a cute plant. maybe one day you can teach me how to take care of mine. my "indestructible plants" i bought at the farmer's market have been dead for quite some time. i just can't seem to part with them.

Tara Edwards said...

Do they sell them in plastic? I can't keep a plant alive for the life of me. I'm going to blog about my pretty silk flowers today just because of you!