Jul 29, 2009


I feel like I need this for my entry way. Immediately.


Jill said...

so fun. love the peacock. it's only thirty dollars...and i may have a frame that size you can have too.

Jill said...

i think you need that as well. i would like to see that when i walk into your apt!

ps. did you ever end up getting that prayer one? i liked that also.

ellen said...

very cool!

Julie said...

Hey! I am a fan of the blog! I especially love the 'eat in nyc' section and all your ny tips!

Love the sign...i think it would be funny in the bathroom-but i have a weird sense of humor :)

Jan said...

Darn cute!

k. said...

Jill, I did! It's on my living room wall (amidst all of the various frames & such). I love it.

Julie, I actually love that idea. I thought about it briefly when I first saw it but thought that maybe the humidity in the bathroom (we don't have a fan) would warp the paper... Hmm. ??

Lizzie said...

Oh my word, I'm speechless ... My grandma used to say that ALL the time, but I didn't know that it was a real saying ... it was just so her. This just made me so happy.