Jul 1, 2009

Friends, thanks for letting me exploit your children.

You have the responsibility of raising righteous, intelligent, well-adjusted children in Zion (& in Manhattan, more importantly). I just have... a camera. And a few plants that aren't looking so hot right about now.

(Central Park, Monday afternoon. Southwest corner water park / sand box. Fox, Wyatt & Madeline.)


Groshon said...

hey Kathryn, I love all of your stories but I have to say you are quickly becoming one of my favorite "photography" sites to check out!

I have the Rebel xs (which I am still learning about) but I think there is something to having a natural talent too! :)


Louise said...

That last picture - oh my gosh!! Love it! You are an amazing photographer - next time you and Mike come to London, I would love to pay you to take photos of Adelaide!

Missy said...

Love that last one Kathryn!

Debbie said...

Oh my Kathryn - KEEP taking photos!

erin said...

thank you for exploiting fox. he is available for exploitation whenever you feel the need to exploit.

Emily Kate said...

You don't know me, I just linked over from someone else's blog. But I'm Madeleine's nanny! Jenn & Norris showed me this adorable photo the other day and I'm glad I stumbled upon it again today. She's a sweet subject and you get a some lovely shots of her! You have a delightful blog!