Jul 10, 2009



I just booked a last minute ticket. For next week. For a week & a half. And then I come home to New York for a week. And then I go back again. With Mike. For our previously-scheduled family trip. Which will be wonderful.


I might just cry from happiness, or at the very least squeal from excitement.


Heidi said...

I've never even been there but feel so happy that you get to go too. It always sounds so perfect.

Why are you going then coming back then going again?

Jill said...

i'm so happy for you K.

Missy said...

Oh! I'm so so happy for you. This is the best news. When do you leave?

Selfishly, I can't wait to see all your beautiful photos.

Angie said...

Ooh, jealous! And happy for you. You will have so much fun!!

Lindsey said...

hooray! such great news!

Louise said...

Oh I'm pleased for you, I know you were dying to go. And why not?! Can't wait to see your pictures - it looks divine from past posts!

k. said...

Heidi, I just figured "may as well" for this trip. And we already had a trip planned for August - when my ENTIRE family will be there. I have the time. :)

Unknown said...

I love lakes. I've always said I want a lake home. How lucky that you can go any time, really. And family makes it sound even better. I'm excited for the pretty pictures too.

Kera said...

i just might be happier!!!