Aug 13, 2009

Central Park with Kylie Nixon.

We really loved running around Central Park with Kylie yesterday - & the first photos she sent over? I'm tickled pink. Very, very happy (see more here), & I can't wait to see the rest. I've wanted to capture us, in our city, for a very long time - & she did just that. I think she's a talented little lady (& for those of you in Utah - you're lucky enough to have her until at least next spring).

Come visit again soon, please.


C & E Hudson said...

great pictures,, those are a lot of fun,,

Missy said...

I'm obsessed with the black and white one of you guys on the stairs.

These are so so good. Love them Kathryn. Does Kylie ever come to california??

Lindsey said...

I love them! And your shoes! How fun to have family pictures taken. We need to do that.

Erin said...

How fun! I love your navy and pink combo. Very cute.

Jill said...

Very cute! Have you decided which picture you are going to use?

Lizzie said...

Very cute. I love the one of you guys under that tile archway thing. How did you get pictures in Central Park with no tourists in them?!

ellen said...

wonderful photos!!

Julia said...

Those are lovely-- I'm glad it wasn't raining.

Suzi said...

These are so great-nicely done Kylie!

erin said...

yup... very lovely. cute outfit, too, as usual.

Melissa said...

What beautiful pictures!! You two look so great! Cute couple!!

Kylie Whiting said...

thanks for such a great compliment :)
this was really so much fun- and bar americane was a perfect topper for the evening. i'm glad you guys like them! i can't wait to come back to the city. let's hope sooner rather than later. it was so fun meeting you! we'll keep in touch, i'm sure.


Kylie Whiting said...

oh, and yes. i am blogging from the airplane. wi-fi in airplanes? who knew that was even possible?

Morgan said...

These are so amazing! Family pictures are so wonderful- having yourselves captured at a specific moment in time, in your city. Kylie captured the two of you so perfectly!

P.S. I love your outfit!

Unknown said...

I love the stairs too. And your shirt.

The blue bag one is very artsy.. makes me feel like you belong in an ad.

How fun to have these! When I was growing up, my parents started the tradition of commissioning a painting of each family home we lived in. I like this idea better- photos of you in your city. Because maybe you'll eventually move and you'll want to remember those places in the NY.