Aug 11, 2009

Look at me, I'm artsy.

If I'm cool, I'll call them polas, right?
I finally dug out my Polaroid (that I haven't used in, oh, a year) + my final pack of film & brought it out to Washington last week. I loved the look on my dad's face when he saw it next to my DSLR. What is that?! I also loved the fact that all of the little ones had never seen a Polaroid camera (I'm obviously old). The novelty subsequently resulted in me being cool for about 2 hours. Totally worth the price I paid for it on Ebay ($23).
The happy ending? I came home to find another pack of film that I had forgotten about. Lovely!
*A special thanks to friend Jill & the use of her scanner. We really need one of those.

(1) Love birds. (2) Wildflowers in the nature preserve in front of the cabin. (3) Sun beams. (4) Pre-jump. (5) Mom & Dad + almost all of their grandchildren. (6) Love birds #2. (7) Aunt Kathryn + Parker, Spencer, Ellie, Harrison, Cameron, Hudson, Noah, Riley, Lexi, Avery. (8) Edwards family. (9) Welcome, welcome. (10) Huckleberry pie. (11) Jumping.


Missy said...

Ok, I'm just sort of dying to taste a huckleberry after everything you say about it here at PL!

Jill said...

I want my own polaroid now! I like these pictures. Now lets see the little project you are working on with a few of these beauties.

Morgan said...

Oh my, we must be thinking on the same wavelength. I've been dreaming of Polaroids all summer. I just can't seem to find my old camera, which hasn't been used for at least 5 years.
I'm so jealous. Very cool.

caitlin and brinton said...

Oh my goodness, I love the look of polaroid photos - so rustic compared to what we're all so used to now. I love all your Priest Lake pictures, what a great thing to have in your family. Wish Brinton and I were heading down there again this summer!

eyre blog said...

love the polaroids. love the welcome sign.