Aug 13, 2009

Our family of two.

More Polaroids. I like how they turned out. I have one pack of film left. I'm not sure if I'll buy more. It's fun, but I'm not sure it's worth $2 a photo.

We had our family photos taken in Central Park last night (more on that later). Afterwards, we played with the Polaroid on Row Bridge. I love Central Park. I really do. It's so beautiful. And the weather - I sent happy thoughts up to the clouds, & they held on tightly to the rain just as I asked. It was nice & dry for the few hours that we needed.

After getting a little lost in the ramble - for the 2nd time in one day - we walked down to Bar Americain where we had dinner with friends the Egans + sister Kylie (our photographer extraordinaire). We weren't huge fans of Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill when we went a few years ago, but think that his Bar Americain is quite good. I especially loved the sweet potato gratin & the hot potato chips with the blue cheese sauce. Yum.It's 73 degrees today. I'm so happy.


Jennifer said...

Cute. Love the outfit.

Angie said...

Kylie showed me your pics on her camera tonight, they look so great! I can't wait to see the finished product.

erin said...

i think you just said sweet potatoes. i can't wait for blue smoke... i may have to haul buns to guru's in provo to ward off my cravings. drool.