Aug 25, 2009

Sort of speechless.

Tonight. 2nd Avenue. With friend Mindy, after a lovely al fresco Italian dinner.

The front was way worse than the back, I promise. Sorry for the PG-13 post, but seriously? This guy was amazing. The vintage headphones, mesh top & dripping sweat (was he drunk?? I vote yes.) were all lovely additions. But let me tell you - he was confident in his thong unitard. He was totally rocking it. And not an ounce of cellulite on those cheeks.

Forgive the poor photo quality. It was dark, I was walking, he was walking. Tricky. Yet priceless.

Have I mentioned I love New York?


Lula. said...

wait, what?

Mindy said...

Absolutely priceless. A moment not to be forgotten. I'm so glad you've memorialized this. it is definitely near top of this summer's favorite New York moments. Wow.

Tara Edwards said...

Oh my gosh!!!

Can you hear me screaming no!!!

Unknown said...

I thought it was a woman. Now I'm really glad I'm only seeing the back!!

Elizabeth said...

Ewwwwwwwww! I was talking to tara when she was checking your blog and started laughing loud... I almost didn't want to look like an accident you see happen you can't look away..

Erin said...


Lindsey said...

hilarious. nice shot, kathryn.

Jill said...

OH MY. I'm shocked. And would you believe my neighbor was pantless on a TUESDAY as well (my no-pants story)? it really must be a rule of which I'm not aware...


jocelyn said...

WOW. i love that you got a picture.

Unknown said...

I have seen what is probably this same person in similar attire twice before, both times in east midtown. Wild, huh?

dad said...

Why am I the only guy type person to post a response? To think that some poor tourist visiting New York for the first time would get mugged, get his clothing ripped from his body, and then stagger down the street in a daze, and NOT have someone come to his aid is a sad commentary.

noelle said...

oh, nyc. you wanna look away but you just can't. humans.

The Jackson Three said...

Scary thing is I have seen him 2 or 3 times as well - the thong tips me off every time.

Missy said...

This makes me miss living in (or at least near) a downtown. I love these types of things that remind us of how different we all are.

Melissa said...


Mary Grace said...

How very funny! No cellulites?! You really did take a good look @ him.