Aug 12, 2009


When a storm comes at the lake, the wind typically comes from the south & flips around & comes from the north. When the north wind comes, we batten down the hatches.

The clouds were spectacular. The contrast? Amazing. Then the whitecaps started coming over the dock & the water turned a crazy shade of green. Parker (& everyone else) was excited to experience a storm. Christopher decided it was the perfect time to start building his diving board. It rained, it thundered, & it blew. Parker did a back flip off of the board as soon as it was finished, & then the storm cleared. Quite quickly, really. Too quickly for my tastes.

But the clouds & sunbeams afterwards - spectacular.


Ben said...

I haven't checked on you two for a while, but big ups to Panie Whiting, you are looking svelte dude.

Lindsey said...

i love that last photo. beautiful!