Aug 9, 2009


(Photo: Patrick)

We're back home. I may have held Mike's hand & cried most of the way.

(Being at the lake for 9 days was just that much fun.)

I'm fully aware that my family is probably abnormally close. Most of my friends don't talk to each of their parents every single day - & most of their siblings, too. I don't feel like this closeness makes us superior by any means - just unique. These close relationships have always been my reality, my normal, so when I'm speeding away across the country in the wrong direction at 400mph for 6 hours - even though I'm married & love my husband, even though I love my city, even though I'm a full-fledged, independent adult at 26 years old - it leaves my heart feeling sort of sad. Because I'm leaving lots of people I love behind. Because they're my very best friends & supporters. Because I flew over both the Pacific & the Atlantic Oceans in one day, & long-distance relationships just aren't always ideal, right?

It's humid in New York, & it was grey, grey, grey when we landed. But we ordered Greek food for dinner as soon as we got home (because our fridge is empty, as were our stomachs) & it was really good. And I get to see friends this week that I've missed & that make New York home for us. And there are fun things happening in the next few weeks & months, lots of possibilities really, & I'm happy to have things to look forward to in New York & elsewhere.

But I'll probably post about nothing except Priest Lake this week, because it was really just great - & so much better because Mike was there with me this time (plus all of my siblings & nieces & nephews!).


Elizabeth said...

I cried the whole time you were going too.. I think we should all just move to a big compound.. We could call it Hudson road... oh wait I kinda have that.. Ryan said he wants to come visit so as soon as noah can be left we will plan something.

Jan said...

We loved having you there - Having everyone there. You're both missed already....We've got five kids here for a few days....It will be wonderful. What a blessing!

Jill said...

I love this picture. So cute. Welcome home! I'm excited to hang with you.

Lindsey said...

best photo!

I kind of wanted to cry for sounds dreamy and perfect.

Louise said...

I love this picture of you and Mike! And I have to say, I have always loved your words and your photos. But how much you love the family you have come from has always shone through on your blog, and I find that inspiring. (I want it for the family I am creating). How did your parents manage it?!

Morgan said...

That picture is beyond adorable. I so admire your love for your family. I do believe that if more families were like yours, this world would be a much happier place.

Lula. said...

What a great photo! Just priceless.
You have probably caught on by now to my jealousy of your Priest Lake tradition... I can't wait for the photo recap!

Angie said...

I feel your pain. I think it's even harder to go and then have to leave than to have missed out on the whole thing.

Missy said...

I'm with Louise - can you and your mom (and dad?) give a little insight into how they created that for your family? It's admirable.

It takes a while, but you'll get back into it NYC life and'll just relish in your iPhoto library for some reminiscing.

erin said...

yeah, that's a good one. i cry every single time i leave/my family leaves. let's plan some really righteous outings to numb the pain.