Aug 29, 2009

They love each other.

A boy named Nate (who is very nice, we think) asked Joanna to marry him. She said yes. We are very, very happy for them.

I think that there is nothing better than true love.


Joanna said...

Part of what makes being in love (particularly ENGAGED and in love) so much fun is how happy it makes so many other people, too!! :) Thanks for the post, Kathryn. And for the record, the ONLY reason I didn't call you was because it would have been 2 in the morning New York time, so I figured you would call me if you were awake when I texted!!! :)

Jan said...

The world is being flooded with the happy news!
We're all smiling!!!!!

Katherine said...

How exciting! Congratulations Joanna!

Scott and Elly said...

Yay! I am so happy for Joanna! I just got goosebumps!

Kera said...

I was just about to post this picture on our blog :)
It will be fun to meet him.

Missy said...

Congrats to them! They look so so happy. And alike! (they look like a perfect matching couple right?) Beautiful ring too!