Sep 22, 2009

Let's recap the happenings of the week so far.

A few things.

Today is the first day of fall. Awesome.

This photo, it's a little random (& a little fuzzy, thanks to a moving subway). But Will hanging on to the subway pole while sitting in his stroller the other day? It was just kind of cute. Pretty soon he'll be hailing his own cab. Oh, & I sort of don't love posts that don't have a photo.

I'm two-for-two for my dinner so far this week. Tonight's Crispy Yogurt Chicken was ridiculous. So good. I made it with a mushroom rice pilaf & a spinach salad. I felt so domestic. And Missy's squash chicken on Monday was yummy, too. What do I do with my leftover squash & zucchini though? Hmm. And I'm sort of obsessed with grape tomatoes right now. I mean, I've always liked them, but i didn't really appreciate them until recently. Friend Kelsey & I made guacamole during the BYU slaughter last Saturday night & her method of using grape tomatoes vs. regular tomatoes made the best difference (she taught me that smaller vegetables have more flavor). I really love guacamole, by the way. Especially with a good kick of jalapeƱo & a nice fistful of fresh cilantro.

I was gone from 9am until 5:30pm today. Sort of like having a job, actually (but better!). I wore a black skirt, a pink top, a black cardigan & black flats (boring). I had a meeting regarding a potential job that might just be exciting, but there have been a lot of great potential jobs floating around for a long time. I took a great class on starting a photography business (because it's something I'm actually passionate about). I logged in a few hours of visiting teaching. I got home, made dinner, realized halfway through that I didn't have tinfoil & ran out of my apartment & around the corner to grab some at the store (where it took me approximately 17 minutes to find it, grr). I love that everything is so close.

Oh, & I may have promised Mike that I wouldn't buy any new clothes for the rest of the year. !&@*#&$%@!?. My thoughts exactly. Except a dress for Joanna's wedding. And maybe new underoos, should the need arise. This is significant, because I'm sort of a frequent shopper. But it's a dare (I made it into one). Because I got an early birthday (+ Christmas) gift, & sacrifices should be made. It will be fun, right?! A dare!! I can do it, right?! RIGHT?!!

(Gulp. I might have to start drinking Diet Coke again.)

I'll be on Martha tomorrow. Well, I'll in the studio audience, anyway. The rules ask that I wear wearing something solid, yet trendy, but not black or white, because they don't film well. That doesn't leave me with a lot of options, but keep your eyes peeled for me. Hopefully the guest is someone wonderful. 

My new favorite thing is waking up at like 2am. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. It's awesome. I went through this phase a year or so ago, & now it's back. And I have these really, really bizarre dreams right before I wake up, & then I sit there thinking, Kathryn, you are CRAZY for dreaming dreams like this. Anyway. Thanks for the late-night emails I sometimes get, friends. It gives me something to read on my BlackBerry while Mike is sound asleep & I'm wide awake.

Speaking of being on national television, I'm really, really desperate for a hair cut + color. I'm holding out a little bit longer.

Katie's subway post makes me happy.


Heidi said...

You could use the leftover veggies in an enchilada with chicken and cheese. I've done that before.

have fun at Martha!

jocelyn said...

wow, you get to do fun stuff all of the time. martha? i'm jealous. does the episode actually air tomorrow as well? i will set my dvr and see if i see you!

Missy said...

Did you get what I think you did?????

Missy said...

squash, zuchinni, chicken, green salsa, sour cream into a enchiladas. yums.

Jennifer said...

Wait. What's the gift?

erin said...

kelsey gave me a pasta primavera recipe once that has zucchini and squash and tomatoes in it. i think i made it when mike and tim came over for dinner when wives were out of town, and i think he liked it. i'll send it to you.

wait. did you say you weren't shopping until december? i'm all for goals and stuff, but i'm kind of panicking.

Tara Edwards said...

You should try what I give Spencer! 2 tablets for adults (6 mg) will seriouslly help! I guess people use it for when they have strange time zone changes! He sleeps like a log!

Jill said...

not buying new clothes for the rest of the year? big gulp. I'm sure the gift will be worth it... but I'm also sure I would really struggle. Maybe we should start some sort of spending hiatus support group?

i hope martha was fun!

Suzi said...

I'll shop in your place. Plus you are perfectly cute all the time already. This will be a good chance for the rest of us to catch up! And love that little strap-hanger of mine even if he hates me lately.

Unknown said...

just sell the clothes you don't wear anymore to me and then justify spending THAT (extra $$) on newer clothes. I can't wait to hear about your surprise.