Sep 10, 2009

Say a little prayer in your heart for us.

A report has been filed that an apartment in the "C" line requires treatment for a bed bug problem. The residents are currently making arrangements with an exterminator at their expense. 

Bed bugs?! Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.
Basically, this means that someone in our (small) building has bed begs. Right this very minute. And they may just be in the process of climbing out of their door, up (or down) the stairs, across the hall (we're in the"D" line), under our door & into our bedroom where they will bury their disgusting little blood sucking bodies into our mattress, waiting until we are sound asleep to eat us alive. 
I made Mike tear the bed apart with me about 2 minutes after the letter was slid under our door while I was about ready to cry / have a panic attack. 
No evidence of bugs, but still. 
So, so gross.  
Say a little prayer for us. 


erin said...

my heart kind of fluttered for you, and prayer was duly said. come to dallas with me. nits, chiggers, but no bed bugs.

Missy said...

oh dear. yes, yes of course. this made me crinkle my nose.

laurel said...

Oh no that is so gross. I am crossing my fingers tightly for you. Have you seen that ad on the subway with a huge magnified bedbug on it? Sick.

Genevieve said...

Bed bugs are my worst nightmare. Seriously. I read an article about them before moving to the city and have been paranoid ever since. I'll be praying for you.

Jennifer said...

Oh dear.

Lindsey said...

yikes! reminds me of that oprah show (you know the one i'm talking about). i started vacuuming my mattress after that.

JC said...

OH sorry...encase your mattress in one of those covers from BBB. Serious. Norris also has access to some powerful spray thru his lovely job is you want it. :) I'm super paranoid too...basically you can be super clean and STILL get them.

huebscher said...

I just got back from ny, and you can bet we checked the hotel mattress when we checked in. what about that company with the bedbug-sniffing beagle on the commercials? I would want to hire them just to see the dog!

Mike said...

They're not that bad. Had an infestation in my sleeping bag during my mission. Took a few weeks to drown them all in water, but eventually they all died.

All we need to do is submerge our stuff in water for a few days.

Lula. said...

so nasty. i know somebody who had them (she is a VERY clean person). it took MONTHS to get rid of them and she almost had to go to the looney bin.

...not to freak you out or anything. yikes. i cringe everytime we go to a hotel in fear we will bring some home with us.

but you won't get them.