Oct 16, 2009

Good vs. Bad.

Good news: We attended the DTRF Gala last night. It was amazing, & I sat by a really inspiring woman. Photos & stories later.

Bad news: I should be in San Francisco running my first marathon this weekend. I'm not.

Good news: We're in New Canaan this weekend. It's beautiful. Steve & Jeanne are out of town all weekend, but we'll enjoy the space in the house, a car & time with friends.

Bad news: A forecast of rain. All weekend. I brought my wellies (which I guess is technically good news, because I really love my wellies).

Good news: I gave myself a salon-quality blowout yesterday.

Bad news: Such an effort on a rainy day is always, always a bad idea. Hair was in a bun by 4pm (I showered at 2pm - welcome to my life).

Good news: I finally cleaned out under my bed & took out all of my winter clothes, & accessories , giving up last hope that there would actually be one balmy shorts-appropriate day left. I found two pairs of (great) pants I forgot I owned, & my first pair of fancy designer jeans from 2003 that I can't seem to give a way. They still fit. Phew.

Bad news: Our tiny little apartment has only three tiny little closets (for which I should be grateful), & we just don't have enough room to store bulky winter coats, etc. And under-bed dust bunnies are sort of horrifying sometimes.

Good news: Made lots of extra room in our hallway closet.

Bad news: Still job searching, & made extra room by finally deciding that my 13+ pairs of slacks & half-dozen or so suits can be stored under the bed until their use is required again. Anyone in need of a really great business casual wardrobe in a size 4? Sigh.

Good news: Loved going to our Relief Society kickoff "meeting" Wednesday night & having really good conversations with new friends + old ones, too.

Bad news: Hated giving my introduction at the "meeting". After a few dozen Hi, I have X number of beautiful, perfect children  or This amazing job that I love, I got to stand up & share my impressive stats of 0-0. Awesome. (Yes, I know  I maybe have a little bit of a self-imposed complex on this one, but still. I feel different.)

Good news: The food at the event was really good. Kristi Lynn, we need the cake recipe!! Yum.

Bad news: The combination of said closet / under-bed organization activity + previously described introduction exercise kind of made me a little depressed, & maybe I almost cried. But didn't.

Good news: I texted my dad all through Ted Kennedy Jr's speech last night, & he actually  successfully texted me back (the last text message my dad sent me was his only - during my BYU graduation, where we were both horrifically bored).

Bad news: I went about 100 minutes and 250 texts over my plan last month resulting in a teensy (read: huge) bit of overage charges. That's what I get for being friendly with the YW in our ward. I now have an unlimited plan.


Mindy said...

YES. I'm DESPERATELY in need of business casual, size 4. You'll recall that I have already sought your fashion advice...I'm a disaster. I could come over and we could amazing chocolate torte with raspberry coulis to celebrate. Monday? Or Thursday?

PS, thanks for the talk the other night. You gave me some good things to think about and I'm on it. xoxo.

Marcus Lane said...

what happened with the marathon?????

Jill said...

this weather is so chilly! i bet NC will still be beautiful this weekend though. enjoy!!

i'm going to pack up all of my business clothes too. that will feel nice to have some space. even if the coats do take over.


JC said...

I'm donating a bunch of work clothes to Bottomless Closet...if you want to get rid of some things, I can take them down with my stuff. Let me know... :)

Jan said...

I love your shoes!