Nov 6, 2009


Mom & Dad Hudson are in town. We're having fun, & doing lots of walking (although today, at work, I did a lot of sitting - sigh).

The best news of the week? Pinkberry is now giving limitless toppings. I'm a fan of the mochi balls, while Mike really loves the gooey chocolate cereal concoction. We've been a few times this week already, oops.


Jennifer said...

Hope the first day was ok :)

erin said...

alert the media, sounds like pinkberry is trying to start a fight with yogurtland. is this a limited time thing? let's go. maybe after church???

Jeanne said...

Kathryn, congratulations on your new job! It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. We've had nice weather for lots of walking. The Park still looks beautiful. I hope you're enjoying your time with your Mom and Dad in town! We've enjoyed having Cara home this weekend!