Nov 22, 2009

San Clemente (or, lest I fall behind in blogging while on vacation).

Mike & I met Missy for breakfast at The Bagel Shack this morning. Mike was skeptical about eating bagels outside of New York City, but I think it's safe to say that he was more than happy. If we didn't have an early commitment with LAX in the morning, we'd definitely go back. It was good. And yay for getting to see Missy again (& for taking photos!). I think we could talk for hours if time allowed. Afterwards - we walked on the beach & out onto the pier. Beautiful.

The wedding today? Amazing. Like really, really spectacular. I probably took a zillion photos, & they just won't even come close to fairly representing how amazing it was. It was fun to see friends & more importantly, to see Sarah Jayne & Michael so happy. Three cheers for love.


Jill said...

oooohh the beach. its true, why don't we live there? such a pretty place.

Heather said...

SO fun! You're making me miss my home! I LOVE that pelican picture!!!!

Angie said...

You look just gorgeous in all those pictures, kathryn. And I love your hair color right now, very pretty! These pictures make want to go to the beach!

Lindsey said...

fun! fun! i love your shirt (again).

Missy said...

I love seeing you in my home elements. It only seems natural...yes, why don't you guys live here?!

Melissa said...

LOVE San Clemente...we went there for our honeymoon...beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh, this is a fun post! Yes, San Clemente is perfect. And so is the Bagel Shack. And of course I love Missy too. And your shirt, Kathryn. It's all so happy.

laurel said...

A cinnamon crunch bagel from my hometown bagel shop in CA is one of my favorite, favorite things!

Jennifer said... to know we were just there taking the same photos!

And I can't wait until we are all together--it will happen one day soon, I feel it.

mb said...

I'm just going to throw this out can take it or leave it. I submit that palm trees are not as good as regular trees, as in, sycamore, oak, maple, willow, blah blah, you get the idea.

Lisa Olsen said...

Wow, you sure take lovely photos!!

Caitlin said...

Do you see why we loved living in Cali?

Love the pics Kathryn.

We wen to a wedding tonight for another sara jayne and michael. Weird.

Jill said...

loved looking at your blog and catching up. looks like you have been busy having fun!